Sunday, June 26, 2011

Birthday Cakes!!

Lots of celebating going on. My daughter just celebrated her 12th birthday. Somehow she talked me in to making 2 birthday cakes and 27 cookie candies for her. She stretched her birthday out over a whole week, celebrating it 3 times.

This first cake was made for her actual birthday day. There were just a few of us, my family and the kids. It's a chocolate cake with white buttercream frosting and fondant accents...yumm!!

This second cake was for friday night when her friends all came over. The bottom layer is a lemon cake, the second and top layers are both orange cake. It's covered in a buttercream frosting and fondant with gummy accents on top.

I don't believe I got any photos of the cookie candies. I will have to check my cell phone, I may of snuck a photo. They were made by using a candy mold that you fill with chocolate and press a chocolate sandwich cookie in to the back. Very cute and they were a big it at school.

I have a few more birthdays coming up in the next couple of months, so I'm excited to try my hand at some different cake designs. Stay tuned.

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